Tuesday, November 6, 2007

6 weeks = new record of NOT blogging...

I LOVE Virginia Beach! It is a cool town, with amazing people, super amazing students who let me hang with them, and such a sweet church where everyone shares an appreciation towards God for allowing us to be a part of what He's doing. And that's not even mentioning the fact that I live right next to the ocean...

I miss Atlanta though. Not the city itself so much, and definitely not the congestion and traffic, but the people. There are some amazing people just NE of Atlanta, and I miss them. I talk about you guys to the kids up here a lot. I also feel privileged and blessed to have been part of the Family Church for so long; I learned more than I realized, and that's been huge at a church that's only 8 months old.

I'm reading John Piper's book "Don't Waste Your Life" and it is amazing. You should probably read it too. I hope that my life is not wasted; i know that God's allowed me to be a part of some neat stuff, but I'm challenged (in the very best of ways) to stay hungry for Him and to always seek what else He would me to do. Please don't waste your life. There's so much good that can be done, so much that NEEDS to be done, so please do it. The Christ-followers out there should be encouraged - you know the One who made the heavens and the earth personally! Now, what are you going to do with that knowledge? Spend it poking around life aimlessly (I'm not talking about a career!) while folks are hurting and lonely and dying to hear some good news? I hope that's not me.

Much love

James 1:22

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Great great great

It was GREAT to see the few folks that I got to see this past week! If we didn't get to talk...I am very sorry...You can always email at trinitywayne@gmail.com and we can chat that way, or gimme a call!

much love
James 1:22

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Now this is a feeling I wasn't prepared for...

So as you may know, I am working with a church in Virginia as their children's and middle school pastor. I talked with my boss-man (he hates when I call him that since we're really partners in crime/ministry) about helping out with high schoolers way back when we were just talking about me coming on board at Trinity; well recently I found out that I will in fact be working with HSers in a big way. This is awesome! Right...? Here's what I wasn't prepared for: I don't want to have the HSers from Sugar Hill replaced in my life...I know that sounds ridiculous, but it's my initial reaction.

That group (I won't name a single name because I will surely leave someone off and thus get myself into trouble) was and IS so special to me that I worry that another group wouldn't know who they are following...I know God has me here to minister to this crew, and I'm excited about getting to know new folks, but I hope and pray that I will open up and be the kind of person they need me to be. And, because I know God has me here, I WILL fulfill whatever these folks need.

Just needed to share that.

much love
James 1:22

Monday, August 13, 2007


International Justice Mission - ever heard of them? Go check their site out, and go to relevantmagazine.com and read the article today on them. Inspiring. Give a few bucks while you're at it.

If you're reading this, that means you are not a Virginia native, and that means I miss you. Just so you know

much love
James 1:22

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Actually, I'm technically in Prince Frederick (sp?), but it's pretty close to Baltimore AND I was in Baltimore all day yesterday. With the Brewins! Which means HADDON! Man, that kid is some kind of cute. I've got pictures (on mom and Erin Leigh's camera) but no way to post them yet, so...sorry about that.

I miss my Georgia friends, it's official. Mostly though, and no offense to anyone else, I miss Andrea. That's all I'll say about that so I won't get blasted with "awww, that's so cute!!" or "aw, suck it up!!" comments.

My friend Ben heads to China tomorrow. I'm going to miss that guy. You should probably check out his blog too (benjamintanksley.blogspot.com) and keep up with his travels. And pray for him too.

That's all

Friday, August 3, 2007

Matthew 20:1-16

Man, have you read this lately...? It's nuts. This landowner (of a vineyard) goes out to hire some day labor at 6AM and offers to pay them a full days wage. The fellas jump all over it and set to work. Well when then landowner goes out again, this time at 9AM he offers them the same pay...not too big of a deal, but a mild injustice to the first crew. Well then the landowner goes out again at noon, when half the day is done - and again at 3PM, again, offering them a full days wage. THEN, and this is crazy, dude goes out one last time at 5PM - one hour LEFT in the day! - and hires another group of guys to work AT A FULL DAYS WAGE! Now, these last guys have gotta be thinking "what luck!" while the guys who have been bustin' tail since 6AM have gotta be thinking "we're going to make SO much more than that last crew!"...nope. The landlord pays them all the exact same wage...can you image how ticked the 6AM crew must've been? I know I would have been fuming...but why?

Here's the crazy thing about Grace - I don't deserve it anymore than that thief on the cross next to Jesus, who in his final minutes gave his life to the Man dieing next to him...but I sure do think that way far too often. My Grandpa gave his life to Jesus 40ish hours before he died. That's what I think of when I read this story. My Grandpa was 84 years old and up until that time before he passed he openly mocked my family for following Jesus. Thought it was silly and that "no intelligent person would believe that"...and yet there Jesus was, extending His Grace to my Grandpa...pursuing him all those years...I am the most selfish person I know, that's for sure. Please don't post telling me that I'm not that, I just need to confess it, repent of it, and move on.

Dear God, thanks for your Grace. Love, Wayne, the one who needs it more than anyone.

"We'll see..."

That's the final line that I gave myself when mulling over starting my own blog. I'm going to try my hardest to keep anyone who wants to read my ramblings up to date on my goings on, but I know I won't be great at it...ask the whichdog?ers...poor guys never had anything consistent from me! Anyway, we'll see...

much love
James 1:22