Sunday, March 29, 2009

The family of God

Quick post:

Thanks be to God for the body of Christ! It is a blessing to have people to do life with, to encourage, to sharpen and scold. It's really great and I pray if you don't have this that you'll find it. But don't miss the accountabilty! For real.

Much love
James 1:22

Sunday, March 22, 2009

1 Timothy 4

God has been ruining me with this chunk of His word for about 5 months now. And I am so grateful.

I got to teach my kids this morning from this passage and it was one of the most fun and exciting and challenging times of teaching I've ever experiences - and I couldn't be happier! God is so good, huh?

Take some time to read these passages and tell me what you think; here are some take aways (some need to be credited to Matt Chandler of The Village Church in Dallas):
- Verse 16: how you live MATTERS
- V.6: start with the Gospel and never ever leave it - grow on it, grow IN it, live a life that deeply reflects it
- v.12: live a life that sets an example - read also: Romans 12:2, Phil 4:8 and Ephesians 5:1-17; this is who we should be

I have bunches more but I'm going to bed. Your thoughts?

Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The thing I hate the most

I hate sin. I hate my enemy. I know he's real and that he hates me and my kids and my church and my friends and the fact that I'm in love with Jesus and seek to make Jesus known.

But the secret thing I hate that I don't like to talk about much is disappointment. I can't stand disappointing kills me. And you know how this fleshes out? I can't say 'no'. I just can't. I hate it so much, but I'm so terrified of disappointing people that I just say yes to anything anyone needs ever. If a kid wants to grab food or someone from church wants me to join a committee (another discussion for another time..) or you asked me to read a book and give you my thoughts - I'd say yes.

But I've been bombarded lately with wise counsel telling me to stop doing this. I'm still going to passionately seek lost people and challenge Christ-followers to know Him more, but I'm going to start saying no more. And I'll be bummed that I disappointed someone, but I'm going to do it anyway.

(Please don't respond and tell me that I haven't disappointed you - it's not true anyway - because while I appreciate the encouragement, I just needed to vent that off).

Have you read 2 Corinthians 5:17 lately? Do it again.

Much love
James 1:22

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Favorite teachers of the Word

In no particular order, here are my top 5 (my dad doesn't count. Jesus doesn't either)
- Matt Orth (podcast: Broad River Comm Church)
- John Piper
- Francis Chan
- Andy Stanley
- Randy Singer

I'm going to write more on why later..bedtime now..


Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2 Corinthians 5:18-21

My job description!


Much love,
James 1:22

Monday, March 9, 2009

God is funny

So I let you guys know last post that I think I talk too much - about how I feel like me talking/teaching/preaching fuels my ego. I was telling this too a friend and local pastor/church planter and he challenged with this: 'if you did it more often I bet you'd take a big hit to your ego rather than having your ego be fed.' Oof..he was right. I've taught 10-12 different lessons since my last post..and I've been humbled.. Thank you God for showing just how dependent on YOU I must be..

Much love,
James 1.22