Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Actually, I'm technically in Prince Frederick (sp?), but it's pretty close to Baltimore AND I was in Baltimore all day yesterday. With the Brewins! Which means HADDON! Man, that kid is some kind of cute. I've got pictures (on mom and Erin Leigh's camera) but no way to post them yet, so...sorry about that.

I miss my Georgia friends, it's official. Mostly though, and no offense to anyone else, I miss Andrea. That's all I'll say about that so I won't get blasted with "awww, that's so cute!!" or "aw, suck it up!!" comments.

My friend Ben heads to China tomorrow. I'm going to miss that guy. You should probably check out his blog too ( and keep up with his travels. And pray for him too.

That's all

1 comment:

Haddon Elliot said...

And we're glad you were here. It was great to see you guys! We miss you horribly. We're praying for you.
Jon, Mel, and that really cute Haddon kid