Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Making the switch


For the 6 of you following this, join me over at the new Wayneomite

much love
James 1:22

Monday, May 25, 2009

How do you use social networking?

So in the last couple of days I've had about 5 or 6 different conversations about how to use social networking (mostly Facebook and Twitter) - how do you use it?

Here's a couple of folks I follow on Twitter that I think have some great insight on this question (and utilize Twitter really well):


What do YOU think?

Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


For the week of May 11-17:

The good: God, duh - Galatians 5:1, Ephesians 2:1-10 and John 15:16! Oy, I love Jesus.
Honorable mention: Braves took 4 out of 6 from the Phils and Mets on the road, Mine That Bird winning the Derby, Star Trek, and this awesomeness from my Catholic brothers and sisters

The bad: Wolverine (yes, that's been out for almost 3 weeks but I never said anything), the way the Hawks tanked...oof...

The ugly: this is dumb, this is dumber, this is dumbest

Much love,
James 1:22

Monday, May 11, 2009

The good, the bad and the ugly

Going to start mixing a few new things with my blog to keep me more interested in posting. I still don't think I have enough to say, but we'll see.

New section: This Week's Good, Bad and Ugly

Good: 1) God is so great: met some new dudes through YL, started meeting with one of our HS guys regularly, seeing 1 Timothy 4:16 come to life 2)the Braves have won 3 straight, 2 over Philly, 1 over NY, all on the road; 3) Mother's Day: my mom wins
Bad: sticky crap with some parents at church.
Ugly: the Hawks getting bombed by the Cavs...BUT it was a step in the right direction. Now, do they re-sign Bibby? Hmmm

Next new section coming soon: movie, book, and TV show reviews (stealing this idea from Mandy)

Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Friends and brothers and sisters in ministry, let me take a quick second to encourage you to keep at it! I'm not sure if you've had a rough couple of weeks or if you're not sure you're in the right place or if you are miserable with your situation or or or or..

Check out Colossians 1:29; struggling with HIS energy! Even if you're sky high with where you are, push forward with HIS energy; and if you're running on empty and discouraged, push forward with HIS energy.

What are some verses you have been encouraged by lately?

Much love
James 1:22

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fancy, big-worded poetry

I'm reading Knowing God by JI Packer (still) and I came across this poem by Isaac Watts in the chapter 'The Grace of God' - enjoy and comment as you see fit!

But there's a voice of princely grace
Sounds from God's holy Word;
Ho! ye poor captive sinners, come,
And trust upon the Lord.

My soul obeys the sovereign call,
And runs to this relief;
I would believe thy promise, Lord,
Oh, help my unbelief.

To the blest fountain of thy blood,
Incarnate God, I fly,
To wash my soul from scarlet stains,
And sins of deepest dye.

A guilty, weak, and helpless worm,
Into thy hands I fall;
Thou art the Lord, my righteousness,
My Saviour, and my all.

I love it. You?

Ephesians 2:5!

Much love
James 1:22

Thursday, April 23, 2009

'Knowing God' by J.I. Packer

You read it? I'm digging it, for sure. What are you reading right now? What's it teaching you? Non fiction/fiction? Would you recommend it to me?

Some thoughts on 'Knowing God':
- We can know God! Seriously, this never gets old
- Having sound doctrine matters (Matt Chandler and Packer would get along great)
- The Trinity is incredibly complex, and as much as I'd like to say I get it, I don't. (Side note: The best work of fiction on the Trinity is The Chronicles of Narnia; CS uses Aslan to paint a really great picture of all three Persons. Scratching your head? Reread 'A Horse and His Boy' for the Holy Spirit.incredible)
- God never changes. Oh thank You for that! Super comforting
- People who know their God are different than people who know about their God. And the difference is huge in life, joy, peace, strength, witness
- "To be preoccupied with getting theological knowledge as an end in itself, to approach Bible study with no higher a motive than a desire to know all the answers, is the direct route to a self-satisfied self-deception. We need to guard our hearts against such an attitude, and pray to be kept from it"

Much love
James 1:22

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some links and such

http://mockingbirdnyc.blogspot.com/2009/04/osteen-great-smile-crushing-theology.html - I love Mockingbird
http://relit.org/porn_again_christian/ - Driscoll's goods on the lust and porn issues
http://www.karyoberbrunner.com/faith-and-culture/unfashionable-is-in/ - Kary always has good thoughts, and is always humble about it; this is a book I think I'll be reading someday soon
http://itsmandyc.wordpress.com/2009/04/14/sunshine-cleaning-r-%E2%80%93/ - seriously, I use Mandy's movie reviews more than I use Rotten Tomatoes'
http://www.neueministry.com/ - I kind of love everything here
http://www.lala.com/ - and I definitely love this one; cheap music that's legit
http://www.patgillen.net/?p=767 - My boy Pat knows what's up; start with this one and keep following him. Totally worth it
http://40thstreetvb.blogspot.com/2009/04/truly-christian-depression.html - Ross is a friend I'm blessed to have
http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/ - I'm still figuring how much I like Seth's thoughts; so far so good
http://treesclaphands.blogspot.com/2009/04/easter-sermon-from-bishop-tom.html - everyone should be friends with Brez. He's the man

Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Twitter and pancakes

I think Twitter is knocking on my top 25 most favorite things. I mean, I don't love it like I love Jesus or my mom or the Gators, but I do enjoy seeing what some of the pastors I love are thinking about and how they have resources and such to help folks like me. There's plenty of times when I get annoyed with some of the tweets (that they are called tweets is probably my least favorite part of Twitter...) from folks, but mostly I dig it. I use TweetDeck and Destroy Twitter - do you Twitter and if so, how do you use it?

Also, pancakes are really great.

And now, the real deal: God is SO great! I started meeting with Santo this morning and we're walking through the book of John and just laying the ground work for his early stages in discipleship. It's incredible! Have I mentioned lately that discipleship is what's up? Who is discipling you? Who are you discipling? Cause you should be doing both, for real, right now. So go on, do it.

Much love
James 1:22

Monday, April 6, 2009


I have a place that I love to spend time at called Buffalo Beach. It's a little sports bar joint where the people are super nice, the food is delicious and they have a 9' HDTV. They know my name when I come in, and even save 'my' booth when I tell them I'm coming. It's incredible. Anybody watch that old show Cheers? It was really great and you should check it out. It was based around this bar where everyone knew every knows your name (theme song is top 10 material). Buffalo Beach is my Cheers.

Do you have a Cheers?

Much love
James 1:22

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The family of God

Quick post:

Thanks be to God for the body of Christ! It is a blessing to have people to do life with, to encourage, to sharpen and scold. It's really great and I pray if you don't have this that you'll find it. But don't miss the accountabilty! For real.

Much love
James 1:22

Sunday, March 22, 2009

1 Timothy 4

God has been ruining me with this chunk of His word for about 5 months now. And I am so grateful.

I got to teach my kids this morning from this passage and it was one of the most fun and exciting and challenging times of teaching I've ever experiences - and I couldn't be happier! God is so good, huh?

Take some time to read these passages and tell me what you think; here are some take aways (some need to be credited to Matt Chandler of The Village Church in Dallas):
- Verse 16: how you live MATTERS
- V.6: start with the Gospel and never ever leave it - grow on it, grow IN it, live a life that deeply reflects it
- v.12: live a life that sets an example - read also: Romans 12:2, Phil 4:8 and Ephesians 5:1-17; this is who we should be

I have bunches more but I'm going to bed. Your thoughts?

Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The thing I hate the most

I hate sin. I hate my enemy. I know he's real and that he hates me and my kids and my church and my friends and the fact that I'm in love with Jesus and seek to make Jesus known.

But the secret thing I hate that I don't like to talk about much is disappointment. I can't stand disappointing people..it kills me. And you know how this fleshes out? I can't say 'no'. I just can't. I hate it so much, but I'm so terrified of disappointing people that I just say yes to anything anyone needs ever. If a kid wants to grab food or someone from church wants me to join a committee (another discussion for another time..) or you asked me to read a book and give you my thoughts - I'd say yes.

But I've been bombarded lately with wise counsel telling me to stop doing this. I'm still going to passionately seek lost people and challenge Christ-followers to know Him more, but I'm going to start saying no more. And I'll be bummed that I disappointed someone, but I'm going to do it anyway.

(Please don't respond and tell me that I haven't disappointed you - it's not true anyway - because while I appreciate the encouragement, I just needed to vent that off).

Have you read 2 Corinthians 5:17 lately? Do it again.

Much love
James 1:22

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Favorite teachers of the Word

In no particular order, here are my top 5 (my dad doesn't count. Jesus doesn't either)
- Matt Orth (podcast: Broad River Comm Church)
- John Piper
- Francis Chan
- Andy Stanley
- Randy Singer

I'm going to write more on why later..bedtime now..


Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2 Corinthians 5:18-21

My job description!


Much love,
James 1:22

Monday, March 9, 2009

God is funny

So I let you guys know last post that I think I talk too much - about how I feel like me talking/teaching/preaching fuels my ego. I was telling this too a friend and local pastor/church planter and he challenged with this: 'if you did it more often I bet you'd take a big hit to your ego rather than having your ego be fed.' Oof..he was right. I've taught 10-12 different lessons since my last post..and I've been humbled.. Thank you God for showing just how dependent on YOU I must be..

Much love,
James 1.22

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Romans 8

I'm trying to memorize all of Romans 8 during Lent. Hold me accountable.

I love verse 6 - the mind CONTROLLED by sinful man is death, but the mind CONTROLLED by the Spirit is LIFE AND PEACE.

That's crazy talk. And I love.

Also, verse 12 - therefore, brothers, we have an OBLIGATION, but it is NOT to the sinful nature, to live according to it.

Shapow and I love you
James 1:22

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I wanna open a coffee shop

Anyone with me? The proposal went in 3 weeks ago so I'm excited/curious/anxious to hear what's next. It would be a combo coffee shop/student facility, kind of like Batterson's church - a for real coffee shop with a place for students to just be. I would love to have a place where a high school kid could do their homework, a place I could have middle schoolers come by to play video games, where Meg and our girls had a place to do their study. A place where we could hang on a Friday night after a football game. A home for a 20-somethings service. A way to make an extra batch of food for our homeless friends. Mmmmm..

You have any thoughts?

Much love
James 1:22

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I talk too much

I sometimes wonder if I need to stop teaching so much. I love it, might even be OK at it, but sometimes I think I do it because I think I've got something great to say...and boy, I do NOT.

God, that Galatians 6:14 would be the cry of my heart.

I'm heading to Florida for a few days which is going to be great - even preaching at River Cross this Sunday. Again, I'm crazy excited, but I pray that He becomes greater, and that I become less (John 3:30).

Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Man Tour

Incredible. I've never been a part of an event/camp where I was more aware of people praying for us and for me. I don't really understand prayer, I must admit, but I love it, and I know that God hears the prayers of His people. So, if you prayed for us/me, thank you so much.

There were so many great things and I could talk or write about it for days, but here are a few quick hits:
- Sam, a dude I've gotten to know thru Young Life, was great to get to know better and see grow in Jesus
- Brenner, a 7th grader from across the street from me, came and I saw him grow and connect with Jesus and some of our dudes
- The hike was awesome - 8ish miles of beautiful woods and waterfalls and views
- Wrestle Mania
- Wartching Chip and Dave lead as dads; such Christ-like servants who did anything that was needed, never looking for praise or thanks but just glad to be there
- Hutch is an incredible communicator, teacher, and example of Christ. He's a brother and partner in crime that I will hopefully know and serve with for life
- Ace is about as good a friend as I could ever hope for, and to have that kind of friend as a co-leader is such a blessing. The boys went crazy with excitement when they found that he was going to go with them to the water park - I can't describe what that feels like to me to have a leader like that
- I love skiing and Massanutten was way better than I expected
- God is active in our dudes and it's a privilege to be allowed to be a part of that

Much love
James 1:22

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rescue is Coming

I don't know if you've heard David Crowder's song 'Rescue is Coming' of the Remedy album, but you should go listen to it right now.

I think this is a great banner for what I'm trying to tell kids who don't know Jesus. Whatever your current circumstance, whatever crap is happening to you and around you, whoever or whatever is controlling your life - Rescue is coming.

James 1:22

Monday, February 9, 2009

Why I can't sleep at night

Mobile Blogging from here.

I'm confident the Lord is sovereign and in control and that He is the one who will bring about fruit in the ministry Hes called me too (Ephesians 2:10 rings as true today as it did when I first read it 8 years ago). So why don't I sleep? Because these kids are my flock, my responsibility to watch over and care for and chase the wolves and bears away. Because I am convinced that when I sin, it affects them. Because I love them so much it kills me when they are led astray or do something stupid. So what to do?

- Be more satisfied in God - have a joy like Jesus' (John 15:11) that shows!
- Remember that the hardest part of my job is remembering it's not my job (my friend, brother, partner in crime Jon Brewin told me that 3 years ago and I can't shake it cause he's right)
- Remain in Him
- Trust Him
- Pursue kids and show them love, even when they don't deserve it or show me love
- Pray and pray and pray

Ahhh, Philippians 4:7..

James 1:22


I don't know why, but God called home a little friend of mine today, Warren Stone. Warren was born just a few days ago, one of twins of Meade and Mary-Elizabeth Stone. They are an amazing couple who I love dearly and who have been great friends for the past year and a half. I can't begin to comprehend their loss, empathize with their pain, or even know any words to comfort or encourage them. I know God has a plan, I just wish I knew what it was - or, rather, I wish He would let Meade and Mary Elizabeth know.. I have to admit that I'm not a fan of this part of my faith at all, that I'm/we're supposed to learn things through tragedy; but I know it's going to be a time when we must lean on the Rock we know is in control, even in this, the worst of times.

He gives and takes away, but my heart will choose to say, blessed be the name of the Lord.

Please pray for the Stones, pray that they will know the Peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7), that they will have opportunities to share their faith in Jesus through this trial, and that John (their other twin) will get better - soon - and will bring joy to a family that needs good news right now.

Much love
James 1:22

Friday, January 30, 2009

Two parts, both stupid long

Today I'm going to write about some things I love. Tomorrow, some things that concern me.

I love:

- Jesus. I get teary eyed just thinking of Him...I love Him. I am in love with Him. He SAVED me - set my feet upon solid ground, FREED me from sin, gave me breath to breathe, lavishes love and blessings on me each and every day, well beyond what I could earn or even imagine. You should get to know Him. Seriously.
- My family. I know I love them because I think about them all the time, about how they make me laugh more than any other people in the world. I wish I was near them, but I know we'll be together again someday soon. I still say that my three best attributes are: Jesus, my family and my truck
- My student community. Seriously, I love these people. Here are their names (if you think you do NOT belong in this list or feel like I left you off..just let me know): DanielStevenDavidMichaelAveryTylerNickNickAlexJClayPyleJimmyLarsMajorColtonMarshall
- Switchfoot
- The Rocket Summer
- Mr. Joe and Miss Martha..
- Starbucks. But not as much as Land of a 1000 Hills
- Randy Singer books (you should join this if you haven't already)
- Rainy days
- Big dogs
- Scripture
- James 1:22, John 3:30, Provers 19:21, 2 Samuel 23:9, John 14:6, Matthew 6:33...
- Crisis Pregnancy Center
- Crossroads Worldwide
- River Cross Church
- International Justice Mission
- Apple computers
- My crew from Sugar Hill..
- Snow skiing
- Wednesday night small group with middle school dudes. They are insane (literally) but I love them whole bunches
- Matt Orth sermons
- John Piper books and blog posts
- Pete Grieg
- The Braves, the Gators, the Yellow Jackets, the Falcons, the Hawks and anyone playing UGA
- Jason Varitek and John Smoltz
- You, probably
- Natural White Cheddar Cheetos
- Pencils
- Butterfinger Blizzards
- Sleeping really late
- Man vs Wild
- Christ followers who are making culture - not copying it, not taking an original work and tweaking it with a Jesus fish, but really making culture
- Young Life
- Watching a middle/high school student go from a faith that was based on little more than what mom and dad told them, move toward a relationship with Jesus that is very much their own
- Man Tour
- Christmas
- Grandma Konkle
- Jim Bag, Hutch, Ace and the Gator
- The Coates'
- First Colonial's swim team
- Cinnamon Toast Crunch
- Staying up late and eating cereal
- Beards
- Friends, too many to count
- Relevant Magazine
- Cold War Kids, Fiction Family, Mat Kearney, Coldplay, Death Cab for Cutie
- More to come...

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Brain crunch

"When an evil [a] spirit comes out of anyone, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 44 Then it says, 'I will return to the house I left.' When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. 45 Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation." - Matthew 12:43-45 (NIV)

When a defiling evil spirit is expelled from someone, it drifts along through the desert looking for an oasis, some unsuspecting soul it can bedevil. When it doesn't find anyone, it says, 'I'll go back to my old haunt.' On return it finds the person spotlessly clean, but vacant. It then runs out and rounds up seven other spirits more evil than itself and they all move in, whooping it up. That person ends up far worse off than if he'd never gotten cleaned up in the first place.

"That's what this generation is like: You may think you have cleaned out the junk from your lives and gotten ready for God, but you weren't hospitable to my kingdom message, and now all the devils are moving back in." - Matthew 12:43-45 (The Message)

I realized after reading Isaiah 58 how often I do what Jesus warned against in Matthew 12 - I try and clean up my own act all by myself...I try and make it happen on my own strength, with my own will power, by sheer determination...but what is that? That's ME believing I can do anything worthwhile for MYSELF... (not the same as the fruit of the Spirit self-control). Why do I do that? Do you do that?

I am commited to giving up thinking I can make it happen on my own accord, on my own strength. Jon Foreman wrote another song that fits here - "Lord, save me from myself". Much love


James 1:22

Monday, January 12, 2009

Warming back up

After a 3 week hiatus, I'm back in action: 3 posts by Sunday is the goal. Yea, I know, I'm pretty excited too.

As soon as you possibly can, go read Isaiah 58 (you can click here for the NIV version via biblegateway.com). It is incredible and convicting and awesome and I'm glad that God calls me out as a hypocrite - boy 'o boy do I need that. If you're feeling extra adventurous, read it in the NLT version.


Not sure if you're fan of Jon Foreman, but you should be. He wrote 4 EP's last year coinciding with the seasons and they are incredible (you can check him out here); a song of his, "Instead of a Show" is based on Isaiah 58 and hurts in my heart every time I hear it.

In ministry, is there a point where you're doing enough? I don't think so - I DO think I need time away from my kids, my church, my life of doing ministry (and thanks to the Coates' for helping me make that happen), but I can't shake the thought that there's more I could and should be doing.

Much love
James 1:22